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Call Center

"command center" supporting on-site maintenance.

Functions as a command center supporting stable operation of automation systems

The Call Center serves as a command center that allows our customer engineers and the parts supply operations to interact with our customers efficiently. The Call Center centrally manages all reception and maintenance histories and dedicated operators versed in automation systems help customers find solutions. The Call Center is available 24/7 to quickly arrange customer engineers and spare parts and to provide support for on-site repair services in the event of breakdown.

Operators help customers resolve their issues

Call Center operators are experienced customer engineers. They possess expertise not only in mechatronics but also for a wide range of information technology and provide precise solutions in response to information about system failures received in real time. Information about customers’ products and maintenance work records are strictly managed in a dedicated database. Monitoring the work status and arranging parts delivery, the Call Center provides one-stop support to sites requiring immediate attention.

Operators help customers resolve their issues

Supporting customer engineers by sharing real-time on-site status

The Call Center collects information about the work status nationwide in real time. Information about failures of systems is shared using tablets in addition to communication by email and telephone. Therefore, the Call Center operators can provide accurate instructions to on-site customer engineers to achieve system restoration quickly.

Supporting customer engineers by sharing real-time on-site status

Dedicated database for high-quality maintenance services

We keep information about customers’ products and maintenance work records in a dedicated database called the Total Assistant System Tool (TAST). The Call Center operators query TAST, check the current failure against the past work history, and inform customer engineers of cases of similar failures that occurred in the past for their reference. On-site customer engineers also access TAST using their tablets to refer to technical information.

Dedicated database for high-quality maintenance services

Call Center serving as a command center and a storehouse of technical information

Business Development Division, Call Center
Osamu Horikiri

The Call Center retains all maintenance and failure information. It plays a pivotal role in cooperating with on-site customer engineers and the Parts Supply Division to provide prompt, accurate and quality services to our customers. It is needless to say that rapid system recovery helps improve customer satisfaction; it also reduces the workload of our customer engineers. The Call Center serves as a technical support center and provides detailed follow-up to ensure that all customers will be satisfied irrespective of customer engineers assigned to them.

Osamu Horikiri

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